Saturday, June 7, 2014

You Are Summoned! Zephaniah 43:1, 4 - Wk: 1, Thursday

Oh, my soul...........

Rejoice in the Lord and forsake Him not!

Rejoice in the Lord....
Rejoice in Adonai who has created you!
Who created you while you were yet in darkness!
Adonai created you and called you by name!
You who were born a grasping ya'akov.
He has pursued you!
He has found you!
He has waged mighty battle for you!
He has won the battle for you!
He has blessed you when you sought to wrestle against even Him!
He has drawn you to Himself.....while you were..... Ya'akov...
..............flesh grasping after ........ what?.......
He has redeemed you!
He has drawn you to Himself.......while you were....... Isra'el........
.... struggling with God and with men along the way......
What could you have done to merit His favor? .........  Nothing!
He has taken on your struggles.
He took them on Himself!
 - - - the Mighty Warrior alone overcame them!
He overcame them and established Complete Victory over them!
He Himself, Jeshua haMashiach cast them aside...... And now......
He has renewed you!
He has grafted you in, by the power of life in Jeshua haMashiach!
He has grafted you in!
He has formed you, Isra'el......... that now, it can be ever so true........... are summoned to His rest.....!

The fire and the river may cross your path.
The fire and the river may be at your feet!
But the fire will not burn you!
And the river will not overflow you!

The fire and the river may seem to be a struggle.
But you are summoned!
Step onward!
He has taken on your struggles!
So now you may call upon the name of the Lord!
Forget Him not as you face the fire and the river!
Be not weary of the Lord, for He has summoned you - in love!
He has summoned you to enter His rest!
Be not weary of the Lord!
Be not weary of His love!

But now, you are called to the nations!
You are called to share His love with the nations!
You are called to share His love with the nations who.....
Are grasping, who........
Struggle with God and with men.........
Whom He is pursuing yet...........
Who have eyes, but who do not see........
Who have ears, but who do not hear...........
Be His witness unto the nations!
He whose hand is ready to save you in His hand!
He is ready to do something new!
Be not weary of the Lord!
Be not weary of His love!
Close not your eyes or your ears to His love!
Close not your eyes or your ears to His rest!
Close not your eyes or your ears......
And witness the wonders of His redemption......
.........of the nations - - - for His name's sake!

Rise up in praise of the Mighty Warrior!
Rise up in praise of His Complete Victory!
Rise up in praise of His love!
Rise up in praise of........ the Lamb...........

S.  -  But now this is what Adonai says;
He who created you, Ya'akov,
He who formed you, Isra'el:
"Don't be afraid! for I have redeemed you;
I am calling you by your name;
you are mine.
(Zephaniah 43:1, 4 - CJB)

Wk: 1; Friday can be found here.

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