O my soul! You who ran and had to be sought!
You who had to be sought, saved, and protected!
You who are loved by the Mighty Warrior who has already obtained Complete Victory!
You who can say with His beloved, "We overwhelmingly conquer!"
Who........ me? What? ........
Because He delights in you!
Because you are so loved!
Is He not wondrous!?
What more could you want - or need......?
O my soul, want it or not, you need to be ready......
You, O, my soul, heard it again yesterday - the evil one is on the prowl!
---Be of sober spirit.....
---Be on the alert......
---Resist the evil one......
---Be firm in your faith......
.............all while you still .........
---Remember: it is 'IN' our various trials that 'we overwhelmingly conquer'......
Yes, be ready - - - - trials are a-comin'!
Yes, you may pray, even as He did in Gethsemane......
You may pray as bitter cups are a-comin'!
Pray that those cups may pass from you.........
As long as you know........ not all those cups...... will be passin' by you......
Trials are a-comin'!
Trials that we may overwhelmingly conquer!
Are you ready to count it all joy!?
Are you ready to be sober of spirit?
Are you ready to be on the alert?
Are you ready to resist the evil one?
Are you ready to be firm in your faith?
That is....... are you ready to 'overwhelmingly conquer'!?
Ode to being ready! ...... but how to be ready?
Where's that list? That list of how to be ready?
........ firstly: be of sober spirit! But.........
..........How?........ How indeed!
What tale more sobering than that of the Mighty Warrior......
In contest with the dragon himself! Yes, the Mighty Warrior........
Hung on the cross!........ His blood............ Given!
The only antidote for the poison His beloved took to herself......
His blood given........ for 'his beloved'.........
Yes, be sober of spirit! Look again to the cross...with all sobriety - and with the warning that He gave: to remember the cross, and while remembering the cross, while approaching the Lord's bread and the Lord's cup.... to also be examining yourself that ye 'remember the body' so that ye come not under judgment!!! (and yes, here He was speaking about judgment to believers.....click and check with sobriety of spirit.....)... (I Cor. 11:23-32)
What is it then, to 'remember the body'? What is the body of Christ? What did Paul say?
"I speak as to wise men; you judge what I say. Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ? Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread." (I Cor. 10:15-17)
So, while it is vital to remember His body broken for us; is it not also vital that we remember 'the body' - 'His beloved!' - - - 'His beloved' for whom He died! - - - - yes, even the many members in the one body - perhaps even those not yet reached?
How is it that we properly 'remember the body' - if it is not to comfort it, care for it, nurture it, when it is yet broken here on earth...... and more....... How can we properly 'remember the body' if we do not seek its growth?
And here, to weep with those who weep (Romans 12)? To show compassion with cheerfulness (Romans 12 as well)?
And here, again, is the need to Go! and make disciples (who make disciples)....... baptizing them and teaching them to obey all things whatsoever He has commanded!? (Matt. 28:19-20)
Is this not what it is to both 'remember the body' and 'be sober in spirit'? Not drunk with wine....... but by the Spirit leading our spirit...... to be busy about the task........ of remembering the body, tending to the needs of the body,........ of building the body...... and thus, of preaching Christ crucified? (and here, preaching taking the 'lower case' meaning....... 'advocating for truth and action'.......... as opposed to a formally anointed calling......)
Is this building and serving as we 'remember the body' not a vital key to help us 'overwhelmingly conquer' through Him who love us!?!?!!
To be certain of the answer to this question, let us look to the promise given us through the pen wielded by the Holy Spirit......
"They defeated him (the evil one - the prowling lion) because of the Lamb's blood!" (Rev. 12:11a)
......... yes realize that to 'be of sober spirit' is a vital key.....
......... to be so very sobered by the cross that we 'remember the body' and thus, we work together to add to it daily...........
Yes! it is.......... it is a vital key........
......... a key to help us be strong......
......... to help us to be strong - - - to defeat the lion on the prowl......!!!!!
One key is powerful alone, but He has shown us more keys!
What is the next key?
TO BE CONTINUED.......... ON THIS PAGE........
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying,
“Now have come God’s victory, power and kingship,
and the authority of his Messiah;
because the Accuser of our brothers,
who accuses them day and night before God,
has been thrown out!
and the authority of his Messiah;
because the Accuser of our brothers,
who accuses them day and night before God,
has been thrown out!
11 “They defeated him because of the Lamb’s blood
and because of the message of their witness.
Even when facing death
they did not cling to life.
and because of the message of their witness.
Even when facing death
they did not cling to life.
12 “Therefore, rejoice, heaven and you who live there!
But woe to you, land and sea,
for the Adversary has come down to you,
and he is very angry, because he knows that his time is short!”
But woe to you, land and sea,
for the Adversary has come down to you,
and he is very angry, because he knows that his time is short!”